Anthropomorphic involves the act of giving the characteristics of humans to other things. This is an imagery used where human characteristics are given to non-living things. I think it is being used since it can depict certain factors in the human life but still being subtle about it. Another reason is that it shows creativity in the work.
A. True
Shaw did believe that all art should have some kind of 'message' but he wouldn't have necessarily called it a 'moral message'
Jump of a bridge at night
why though?
Just left to my own devices, I would have picked Stretch and/or Squash. The next closest thing (out of those three) is exaggeration. When you read the description of exaggeration, you find that physical characteristics can be exaggerated, but they should resemble some form of reality.
The second one is really a very close call. You could make a case for either secondary action, or follow through. The only one you could eliminate is pose to pose. That is reserved for how the action goes from one pose to another. That is more of a problem in technique than overall plotting. I think I'd pick follow through, because the character has stopped bouncing the ball, but he likely hasn't stopped sweating nor looking at his watch.
Pretty interesting question. You are not going to get asked that every day.
Yankee Doodle
They copied the Barny theme song :(