In the new distribution system, how much money each school receives is determined not by the state, but by the schoolchildren themselves. Therefore, subsidies will be provided to those educational institutions that are more attractive in the eyes of consumers (schoolchildren and their parents).
Currently, public schools receive the same amount of money as private, the amount does not depend on the quality of educational services provided. The new system will allow to differentiate higher education institutions and provide an opportunity to pay for better teachers in private schools.
Also, such a system will significantly reduce the administrative reports of schools to the Ministry of Education, the need for justification of funding of certain programs disappears.
The consumer of services of educational institutions is not only schoolchildren but also the state and employers. In the proposed mechanism there is no possibility to carry out the State policy in the field of planning the number of specialists in certain fields.
The factor of interest of enterprises in the formation of programs of universities is not considered.
School voucher programs allow students and families to choose the best schools to enroll in and provide opportunities for families without many resources to afford new schooling options. This mechanism could create competition between schools, which supporters of voucher programs say would force schools to improve in order to get students and funding.
This competition could also make the divide between good and bad schools even worse, however, as more students go to better schools, leaving worse schools with fewer students and less funding. It also provides an avenue for taxpayer funds to end up subsidizing private schools.
succession - As succession occurs, the change in habitat affects the type and number of wildlife the habitat can support. Wildlife managers may cut down or burn forested areas to promote new growth and slow down the process of succession.