Libertarianism and utilitarianism are in opposition to one another. In utilitarianism, individuals accept that an activity that produces satisfaction is the thing that one ought to go. Utilitarians could not care less whether what they are doing occupies someone else's privileges. While, in libertarianism, an individual's activity for bliss ought not to disregard someone else's rights. Libertarians’ esteem activities that advance reasonableness and equity in the general public dissimilar to the practical actions that now and again damages decency and fairness.
Following WWII, the United States and the Soviet Union were the two most powerful nations in the world. WWI devastated Europe with many lives being lost as well as destruction to the landscape. WWII was even more destructive, both economically and politically exhausting great nations like France, UK, and Germany. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill met at the Yalta Conference in 1945 to discuss the situation of postwar Europe. This later lead to a separation of Eastern Europe, (which went into Soviet hands) and Western Europe which America financially aided and sent supplies to to help rebuild.
Hannibal Hamlin was the one that brought the Republican Party into power.
But it wasn't until the public outcry following the publication of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle that Congress moved on legislation that would prevent “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs or medicines, and liquors.”