Those traits passed from parents to offspring which has high probability.
Traits are passed on from parent to offspring over generations through the process of reproduction i. e. sexual reproduction. The traits are passed on from parent to offspring and if good traits are dominant so the traits are appeared in the structure of that organism due to dominant allele while on the other hand, if the bad traits are dominant so there is high probability of bad traits to be appeared in the organism.
One of the 4 nucleic acid bases. They connect the two strands of the DNA double strand by means of hydrogen bonds, the principle of so-called complementarity of bases. derived from pyrimidine. It is part of nucleic acids, where it forms a complementary pair with guanine using three hydrogen bonds.
b. 2N meiosis 1N fertilization 2N
In eukaryotic organisms, gamete mother cells are diploid (2N) and have two complete sets of chromosomes. Meiosis in male and female gamete mother cells form haploid male and female gametes (N) respectively. This occurs since meiosis reduces the number of the chromosome to half in the daughter cells. The fusion of haploid male and female gametes during fertilization restores the diploid chromosome number of the species and forms diploid zygote (2N). Repeated mitotic divisions in the diploid zygote form the diploid organism.
The two main things happen during Prophase of Mitosis are given below.
1) In prophase stage of mitosis, condensation of chromosomes occurs which is necessary for the formation of daughter cells.
2) Breakdown of nuclei occurs and moves to the opposite poles.
If this phase is not take place during mitosis, the cell will not divide into daughter cells