It has membrane-bound organelles. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are structures found in the eukaryotic cells.
Squamous cells area one single layer and flattened, this allows for diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide to happen easily in the lungs.
3. IV:height of drop DV:height of bounce CV: type of ball, place where ball is dropped, climate/wind
4. IV: battery type DV: time that it lasts CV: age of batteries, age of material (flashlights), type of materials (flashlights), size of batteries
5. IV:depth of water DV: temperature CV: amount of water in lake, temperature, climate/season
Antibiotic resistance happens when an antibiotic lost its ability in controlling or killing bacterial growth. At this moment the bacteria are already resistant to the antibiotic and are multiplying even though the drug is present. This is a natural phenomenon.