a) AL will contains 0011 1100
In assembly language, shifting bits in registers is a common and important practice. One of the shifting operations is the SHR AL, x where the x specifies that the bits be shifted to the right by x places.
SHR AL, 2 therefore means that the bits contained in the AL should be shifted to the right by two (2) places.
For example, if the AL contains binary 1000 1111, the SHR AL, 2 operation will cause the following to happen
Original bit => | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Shift once to the right => | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | (0) |
Shift once to the right => | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | (0) | (0) |
(i) that there are two shifts - one at a time.
(ii) that the bits in bold face are the bits in the AL after the shift. Those that in regular face are those in the carry flag.
(iii) that the new bits added to the AL after a shift are the ones in bracket. They are always set to 0.
The correct answer to the following question will be "Multipath I/O
Multipath I/O going to minimize the impact of a failure of either the host network interface by offering an alternative access route through storage media as well as a Windows OS.
- It offers the possibility for someone like you to support high accessibility and significantly improve efficiency based on your SAN setup.
- Offer valuable even fault resistance to a terminal server by using different objectives or paths.
So, you should install this Multipath I/O.
Create a two-way forest trust
The aim here is to ensure that both companies are able to access the forest resources of each other. The creation of a Two-way Forest Trust would guarantee that as if the Two-way Forest Trust is created between Forest A and Forest B, being the forest resources of the two companies respectively, then all the domains in Forest A will trust every domain in Forest B and vice versa.
5 Procesadores de textos
Google Docs.
Textilus - Edición Microsoft Word.
Kingsoft Office Writer.
previousAddition instance variable
In order to accomplish this you would need to add a previousAddition instance variable. In this variable you would need to save the amount that was added at the end of the process. Therefore, if a mistake were to occur you can simply call the previousAddition variable which would have that amount and subtract it from the total. This would quickly reverse the mistake, and can be easily called from the undo() method.