<span> Ivan is discussing with two of the monks his article on the position of the ecclesiastical courts. He explains that he opposes the separation of church and state primarily because when a criminal needs to be punished, the public should not have to rely on the state to administer such punishment. Ivan states that if the church had the authority to punish and also to excommunicate the criminal, then a vast number of crimes would be diminished. To a degree, Father Zossima agrees, but he points out that the only effective punishment "lies in the recognition of sin by conscience.</span>
We can discuss it from many different points. However, since in this question we have to look at this only from 3 aspects, let's look at the cases of education, health and social security. In all cases, if people don't have an equal access to these basic services, they will face with problems. If you cannot have a proper education, you cannot get a better job and it will create financial instability in the future. If you don't have an access to the healthy services in case of food, sanitation and water, you will easily have health problems. If you don't have a social security, burglars will steal your possessions easily.
<span>They are out of uniform</span>
"He wanted not association with glittering things and glittering people—he wanted the glittering things themselves. Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it—and sometimes he ran up against the mysterious denials and prohibitions in which life indulges."
These sentences foreshadow his possession with Judy. The sentences say that he wanted things themselves and he liked the best of them.
She left something that cannot be occupied; She left us something that couldn’t be found.
I’m not the best at this so I may not even be right but I may have helped?