The French Revolution.
This is my favorite Revolution due to it being an important time period for much of Europe. After assisting America in its infancy, the French revolted against their own government after it became too financially unstable, and bankrupt, to afford living wages for its citizens despite still affording finery for the upper-class. This sparked outrage, and a group of peasant-class petitioners, led by a Mister Robespierre, violently stormed the castle and rounded up the aristocrats to bring them to their inevitable demise.
There were approximately 130,000 slaves that signed up and fought in the civil war that ended in 1865
hope this helps
Answer :
explanation :
The controversy surrounding the theater created interest
på grund av en ineffektiv och orättvis skattestruktur, föråldrade medeltida byråkratiska institutioner och en dränerad skattkammare som var resultatet av att hjälpa amerikanerna under den amerikanska revolutionen, långa krig med England, överutgifter och ett orättvis skattesystem som placerade bördan..
jag hoppas det här hjälper :)