The phenomenon of unequal separation in meiosis is called nondisjunction. If nondisjunction causes a missing chromosome in a haploid gamete, the diploid zygote it forms with another gamete will contain only one copy of that chromosome from the other parent, a condition known as monosomy. I think sorry if wrong ;)
r-selected species (e.g., American bullfrog)
The r-selected species (r-strategists) are those species in which their populations oscillate near the carrying capacity, i.e., the maximum population size sustained by a particular environment. These species are generally located in low-quality (less competitive) ecological niches and produce many offsprings that grow rapidly and have low chances of surviving to adulthood. Some examples of r-strategists include amphibians, fish, small mammals, etc. Conversely, K-selected species have more stable populations and produce a low amount of offspring (e.g., large mammals such as elephants).
A or B
To be honest both are accurate.
<span>Positive Homans'
medical Definition of Homans' sign. : pain in the calf of the leg upon dorsiflexion of the foot with the leg extended that is diagnostic of thrombosis in the deep veins of the area.</span>
The answer is D.
An endothermic reaction involves absorbing heat whereas an exothermic involves releasing heat.