The corresponding sequence in the RNA transcript is 5'-UACGACUG-3' . One of the differences between DNA and RNA is the fact that the RNA contains the base uracil instead of thyamine. The base pairing occurs between A and T, and G and C. DNA undergoes the process of transcription in the nucleus to generate RNA, which then undergoes translation (for mRNA) in the cytoplasm to yield proteins.
The correct answer is A.) however C.) is cellular respiration or the function of the mitochondria. D.) is describing chloroplasts B.) is something concerning DNA and proteins synthesis
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, while RNA is ribonucleic acid. Although DNA and RNA both carry genetic information, there are quite a few differences between them. This is a comparison of the differences between DNA versus RNA, including a quick summary and a detailed table of the differences
The correct answer is option E.
The deep-colored, water-soluble proteins, which are mainly found in Rhodophyta and cyanobacteria are known as phycobiliproteins. They captivate the light energy and then pass it to the chlorophyll at the time of photosynthesis.
They are comprised of proteins and are covalently attached through cysteine amino acid chromophores known as phycobilins. Thus, the correct answer is option E.
B) All of the listed statements are false.
True statements are:
Matrix of bone is a mixture of calcium salts and phosphate.
Adipose tissue act as the site for energy storage.
Adipose store fats which are potential source of energy.
Cartilage is incapable of extensive repair after severe damage.
The bony matrix can undergo repair and regrowth.
Plasma is the portion of blood that act as the matrix for this tissue type.
Plasma is the fluid component of blood in which the erythrocytes, lymphocytes and thrombocytes lie.