The net movements of molecules of gasses and particles from a region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration based on diffusion gradients without a separating medium is called Diffusion.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from the region from a region of higher water potential to that of lower water potential across a separating medium of semipermeable membrane.
Because of exposure of the lettuce to sunlight, there is rapid diffusion of water molecules from the cells of the lettuce on the sunny day than into the cells from the environment. Because the turgor pressure has dropped to zero, so water molecules diffuse from the region of higher water potential (the cells of the lettuce) to region of lower (sounding air). This results to shrinking of the cells, called witting.
However, as she waters the lettuce, water molecules diffuses into the cell and move up the cells through osmosis, the water molecules makes the lettuce cells turgid. The turgor pressure has returned to normal . This explains the firmness.
Water diffuses into the vacuole which has capacity to store water. The presence of water increases vacuole's volume which expands through osmosis, and therefore changes it shape. The changes in shape leads to firmness.
Ms. Milly can keep the stalk of the lettuce in flower pot filled with water. The continues to keep the cells of the lettuce turgid, by replacing the lost water through diffusion into the sunny environment to prevent wilting,
Genetic engineering can be described as a process in which the DNA of an organism is modified to change its characteristics or phenotype.
DNA modification occurs when a 'gene of interest' is taken from an organism and introduced into a vector such as a plasmid. Or this gene or piece of DNA might directly be incorporated into another organism. The gene of interest incorporated into the DNA of a host will be able to express itself.
The answer is that NE injection has inhibitory effects on the paraventricular nucleus VPN.
It can be said that the destruction of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) would produce a hyperphagia, on the other hand, the injection of norepinephrine (NE) would increase the feeding in the rats. This is because NE injection has inhibitory effects on the paraventricular nucleus. If neuronal activation in the paraventricular nucleus is increased, food intake by rats would be decreased.
2. True
3. True
4. Because they will ensure valid conclusions regarding the safety of the dam
5. Revise the hypothesis and try again
6. Ask a question
7. Revise your hypothesis and try again
8. After they have drawn a conclusion and analyzed results
9. In order to test their hypothesis
10. True