McCarthy is trying to win the audience to his viewpoint straightaway by inducing one of America's most loved presidents of all times.Once you have drawn the attention of your audience,they are going to listen to you to the end of your speech hopefully.
As we celebrate the birth of this man who with his whole heart and soul hated war, I would like to be able to speak of peace in our time, of war being outlawed, and of world-wide disarmament.
And because that day was the birthday of Abraham Lincoln,it was very apt to mention Abraham's name as he always championed for disarmament and no war policies and wanted peace and prosperity for all.
Checks and Balances is a system most commonly found in a constitutional style of government , usually with three levels of power allocation … the executive branch , the legislative branch , and the judicial branch .
The legislative branch can `` check ‘’ the executive branch by rejecting the President's veto of a legislative action …this is known as an override . A two third vote in each legislative chamber ( House of Representatives and Senate ) is required to override a Presidential veto .
The Senate can reject a treaty that the Executive has signed ; a two thirds vote in the Senate is required to formally enact a treaty .
The Senate must approve Executive appointments to cabinet , and the Federal Judiciary .
The ultimate check for the legislative branch is the power to impeach and remove the president . The House of Representatives acts as prosecutor , and The Senate acts as jury . The House of Representatives drafted articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon in 1974 , but Nixon resigned the office of the presidency before he was formally impeached .
The override of a presidential veto has rarely taken place . Only ten percent of presidential vetoes have been rejected by the legislative branch in American history .
The French Revolution was a revolution in France from 1789 to 1799. The result of the French Revolution was the end of the monarchy. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793. The revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte took power in November 1799.
He donated large amounts of money to charity. He controlled a large share of the steel industry.
Andrew Carnegie used the latest inventions for steel production at the steel company he created, whose plant was built in Pennsylvania near the junction of several railways. He was the first to start manufacturing large steel structures. Carnegie was the first to use the vertical integration method in his company: he simultaneously owned mines in Minnesota where iron ore was mined, steamers on the Great Lakes for its transportation, coal mines and furnaces for coke production, railways for transporting coke and ore to Pennsylvania and steel mill located there. By 1900, Carnegie's company was producing more steel than the whole of Great Britain and he controlled almost the whole US steel industry.
After retiring, Carnegie took up charity work. He developed a theory according to which a person should devote the first part of his life to earning and accumulating money, and the second - to the distribution of money. Andrew Carnegie's main area of charitable investment was libraries. Carnegie also invested in the construction of concert halls, in the creation of scientific and educational centers, in support of students and teachers.
They need better ENPLOYMENT to make money