True. The volcanic lowlands were the source of obsidian, jade, and hermatite that the Mayans used to develop a lively trade.
Solifluction involves the movement of soil particles or other materials which has been exposed to water down a slope. This process is common in areas with water bodies and a steep slope.
A major method by which material gets delivered to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon is through the solifluction process as a result of the presence of water and steep slope.
Since WWII, Germany's eastern territories became apart of Poland. "Central Germany" is usually defined as being apart of the federal states of Saxony Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt. It has even been said to be apart of a smaller part of this region, such as the metropolitan area of Leipzig and Halle as well as surrounding countries.
animal interference and vegetation, as well as limestone crystallization.