They were 18 years old. (2004)
Italian was not the official language of the Roman Empire and therefore is not a legacy, so this would be the incorrect answer. During the Pax Romana, there were many key inventions such as the systems of roads, tunnels and bridges being created all over the empire. Aqueducts were one of the biggest inventions, with some of them still working today. The achievements made in law during that time are still used for Civil Law today.
England was insecure because the workhouses were built were children used to be treated harshly.At the end of the 19th century there were many slums built were lack of clean water.piles of rotting rubbish were source of diseases and crimes and robberies were often common at the end of the 19th century.
After WWI, the Allies made Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles, it was really harsh towards Germany, its destroyed it's economy, its army, and blamed the war on them.
Many Germans, suffering in these conditions, saw Hitler's party as a light, as hope for a better life for them an and their children, because Hitler wanted to restore Germany's glory, and with it, it's economy.
They felt betrayed by everyone, but Hitler was always on their side.