I think it’s the third one , not sure ☺️
It would be because the atomic bomb was a new superweapon, and napalm had been around for a while. Does that make it right? No, but what had to be done had to be done.
With the promise of freedom and new economic and educational opportunities, Kansas attracted many African Americans in its territorial days, through statehood, and into the 20th century. Slavery existed in the Kansas Territory, but slave holdings were small compared to the South. Many black migrants also came to the territory as hired laborers, while some traveled as escaped slaves through the Underground Railroad. In the 1860s, others joined the Union Army, and some moved from the South in large groups during the Kansas Exodus, a mass migration of freedpeople during the 1870s and 1880s. As a territory that had a long and violent history of pre-Civil War contests over slavery, Kansas emerged as the “quintessential free state” and seemed like a promised land for African Americans who searched for what they called a “New Canaan.”
Communism and Facism in principle are at direct odds with one another.
Communism in it's purest form would have the ultimate outcome of total equality among the people with no private ownership and really little to no government presence. In contrast, Facism in it's purest form is a complete authoritarian state with all power belonging to a central authority or dictator. What falters in each system is often dependent on a power struggle. Each system, along with other political systems, are based on haves and have nots, giving and taking, the aristocracy vs. the proliteriet, etc. In recent history, Facism tends to move towards socialistic or at least moderate ideals due to the complete oppression of the many. In the same way, Communism has struggled due to the existence of a hierarchy structure that often resembles fascism. The fascist components in a communist society often attempt to hide the fact that a fascist type authority exists.