In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was aproved, which consisted in the relocation of indians from their lands to the west. It was proposed to the Congress by the President Andrew Jackson due to the expansion of U. S. settlement. Indian Nations were independent of State jurisdictions and within its borders. Federal States pressured to expropiete indian lands to expand settlement. After the aproval of the Indian Removal Act, treaties began to be made with the indian nations, exchanging their land for lands in the west or/and payments. There were many confrontations and wars between the indians and the U.S. military forces. The indians who decided to stay were harrased, involved in legal conflicts and intimidated. By 1837, after several treaties, wars and conflicts, 46000 native americans were relocated and 25 million acres were open for settlement. In the way to their new home, indians suffered diseases, starvation and exposure and thousands of them died in the journey. This is what is known as the Trail of Tears.
To come to peace you would have to change the mind of almost every powerful person in the countries at war. It would be easier to end the war because it is easier to use force than to use opinion.