Answer: the sample is not representative of the community.
Online surveys or surveys in general are made to obtain relevant information about a particular issue. If samples are not representative of that issue, they end up having little use.
The internet could be regarded has a marketplace or platform which gives individuals, businesses the opportunity to interact, relate, access opportunities, learn in an easy manner with the help of a data connection. The internet has redefined the process and concept of acesing information and interaction with the ease and coverage it brings. The Social media is could be seen a part of the internet platform which allows people to relate and interact, make friends, promote brands and so on. The internet and social media platforms however, in spite of its huge benefits comes with its inherent risk. Including the surge in cyber crime, immorality and information theft to mention a few. Common scenarios whereby banking details are being stolen from databases resulting in wholesale illegal transfer of funds. Issues of blackmail and violent defamation by groups of cohorts has also been a con in the advent of internet and social media, including growing trends of fake news which usually escalate tension, in which the recent unrest in my vicinity benefitted negatively from.
First select or highlight the rows or columns that you want to change the font color<span>. You can hold the ctrl key while select </span>multiple cells<span>. After, selecting you can now </span>change the font color<span> of everything you selected.</span>
function createAndFillBufferObject(gl, data) {
var buffer_id;
// Create a buffer object
buffer_id = gl.createBuffer();
if (!buffer_id) {
out.displayError('Failed to create the buffer object for ' + model_name);
return null;
// Make the buffer object the active buffer.
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_id);
// Upload the data for this buffer object to the GPU.
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
return buffer_id;
Corporal punishment is a discipline method in which a supervising adult, such as a teacher, deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in response to a child's unacceptable behavior or inappropriate language. The goals of this type of punishment are usually to halt the offense immediately, prevent it from happening again, and set an example for others.