The correct answer is “The same group of letters in English can be pronounced in many different ways” Option A
In the English language there are 26 letters but 44 phonic sounds. There different ways to pronounce a letter, for example the a in apple is different than the a in car or ball that it also happens with the c in cat and ceiling. The Letter combinations can create new sounds like the ch, sh, and ea. What it’s more, one sound can be denoted by up to four letters like the a in apple, the ph in phone, the eau in plateau, and the eigh in eight. And of course, what makes it even harder is that the combinations of letters aren’t necessarily pronounced in the same way for example the ch in chair versus chorus or the ea in eagle versus earth.
The capture of Iwo Jima and the firebombing of Tokyo. b.) The U.S. concession that he would remain in power and the fear of the atomic bomb.
Answer: The Gadsden Purchase, or Treaty, was an agreement between the United States and Mexico, finalized in 1854, in which the United States agreed to pay Mexico $10 million for a 29,670 square mile portion of Mexico that later became part of Arizona and New Mexico.
Geometry was revolutionized by Euclid, who introduced mathematical rigor and the axiomatic method still in use today. His book, The Elements is widely considered the most influential textbook of all time, and was known to all educated people in the West until the middle of the 20th century.
Pretty sure he had three ships.