"Now there came a little 'flutey' bit--very pretty!--a little chain of bright drops. She was sure it would be repeated. It was; she lifted her head and smiled."
It allows the reader to see the action from the perspective of Miss Brill and to see her objectively.
It provides an opportunity for the main character to indulge in imagination.
Miss Brill views social interaction as a stage play.
I believe it is diminishes.
Diminishes means to make smaller, to become smaller, or to lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).
It may be softens, though, so apologies if I am incorrect.
3. Fragment with no subject
Yes, in my opinon it would be because you wouldn't have any money at all left over. You should at least have a little saved for emergencies and ectera. :)