He turns quiet and unassuming
The The Things They Carried characters covered include: Tim O'Brien, Jimmy ... Bob “Rat” Kiley, Curt Lemon, Ted Lavender, Lee Strunk, Dave Jensen, Azar, ... is quiet and unassuming, and Kiowa's death has a profound effect on him. ... he later apologizes, redeeming himself as a medic by patching things up with O'Brien
1990 or something
At a minimum, readers know that Fahrenheit 451 takes place sometime after 1990. The story may take place in the later 1900s or well into the 21st century.
By posting inappropriate pictures or silly questions you know where I’m getting.
In "324", the speaker of the poem spends her Sundays at home. She draws a comparison to others, as she states that they mostly spend their Sundays in church. It can also be assumed that the speaker may be outside at her home, as she uses many images of birds, and mentions an orchard.