Museo reina sofia, madrid, spain
How did Akhenaten upset the traditional order?
Akhenaton upset the traditional order because he told the Egyptians that they had to worship one god, Aton, and become monotheist. The Egyptians were polytheistic, but Akhenaten was jealous that the priests were getting more attention than him, so he changed the religion.
Pantheism is the view that God is everything and everyone, as well asb everyone and everything is God.
They are at the top because they are the wealthiest and have to most authority
The world's population today is much larger than it has been in anytime in the history of the world, and has been continuing to grow ever since the Industrial Revolution, since this raised the living standards and increased in incomes of an enormous number of people, especially in the western world. Advances in medicine have also played a major role.