It is important to have POC in places of power because, we need more representation of all races in the world. It shows the younger POC that they can do anything no matter the color of their skin. We need more women in places of power to encourage gender equality and show the world that women can do the same things men can do.
The phrase that described the relationship between Frederick Fleet and Thrid Officer Pittman, it was emotional and depressing.
The stories told by both men towards the sinking of the Titanic ship were not only dramatic to the fullest, it was emotional and depressing.
For both were men who realized that they might have done more than they did; that had they perhaps been more quicker, more clear headed, that terrible disaster would not have happened, or occurred, not have been so costly in human lives.
The literary device used here is C, 'personification'. That literary device is used when you are trying to make an inanimate object come to life, such as here - 'evil forest was alive'.
Although the Cunninghams are poor, they are viewed as very honest and prideful people. For example, we see this prideful side of them when Scout explains that the Cunninghams don't take charity in any shape or form and find their own way to do things(i.e pay Atticus using vegetables, nuts, etc).