Glycolysis is actually a series of ten chemical reactions that requires the input of two ATP molecules. This input is used to generate four new ATP molecules, which means that glycolysis results in a net of two ATPs.
There are microorganisms that are able to live in extreme environments under adverse conditions of pH, temperature and salinity. These microorganisms are classified as extremophiles. Within the group of extremophiles there are halophilic bacteria, which are those capable of living in extremely saline environments.
One biological factor that all living things are subject to suffer from is osmotic pressure. Halophilic microorganisms have developed mechanisms to adapt to saline environments where osmotic pressure acts with great intensity on individuals. These bacteria change the chemical composition of their membranes and also accumulate osmoprotective compounds in their cytoplasm to compensate for osmotic stress.
RAMIREZ, N; SANDOVAL, AH y SERRANO, JA. Las bacterias halófilas y sus aplicaciones biotecnológicas. Rev. Soc. Ven. Microbiol. [online]. 2004, vol.24, n.1-2 [citado 2019-09-22], pp. 12-23 . Disponible en: <>. ISSN 1315-2556.
Liver problems. Failing liver. Something with the hippocampus getting smaller, which will cause your memory to leave you.
Any atom at the ground state has its orbital levels fill from the bottom (close to the nucleus) – up. The inner orbitals are of lower energy state and fill first because the atoms ‘likes’ to exist in the low energy and more stable state. Only when the atom is in an excited state do some of the electrons in the lower orbital levels shift to higher unfilled orbitals.