b. honor soldiers who died in battle
Lincoln's main purpose was to urge everyone to honor those who had died at Gettysburg by striving to maintain the kind of nation imagined by America's founders. President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.
The answer is b. a student who passes out copies of her sacred texts in front of a police station despite knowing that she will be arrested
Mohs hardness, rough measure of the resistance of a smooth surface to scratching or abrasion, expressed in terms of a scale devised (1812) by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs. The Mohs hardness of a mineral is determined by observing whether its surface is scratched by a substance of known or defined hardness.
Related Topics: hardness
To give numerical values to this physical property, minerals are ranked along the Mohs scale, which is composed of 10 minerals that have been given arbitrary hardness values. The minerals contained in the scale are shown in the Table; also shown are other materials that approximate the hardness of some of the minerals. As is indicated by the ranking in the scale, if a mineral is scratched by orthoclase but not by apatite, its Mohs hardness is between 5 and 6. In the determination procedure it is necessary to be certain that a scratch is actually made and not just a “chalk” mark that will rub off. If the species being tested is fine-grained, friable, or pulverulent, the test may only loosen grains without testing individual mineral surfaces; thus, certain textures or aggregate forms may hinder or prevent a true hardness determination. For this reason the Mohs test, while greatly facilitating the identification of minerals in the field, is not suitable for accurately gauging the hardness of industrial materials such as steel or ceramics. (For these materials a more precise measure is to be found in the Vickers hardness or Knoop hardness) Another disadvantage of the Mohs scale is that it is not linear; that is, each increment of one in the scale does not indicate a proportional increase in hardness. For instance, the progression from calcite to fluorite (from 3 to 4 on the Mohs scale) reflects an increase in hardness of approximately 25 percent; the progression from corundum to diamond, on the other hand (9 to 10 on the Mohs scale), reflects a hardness increase of more than 300 percent.
Napoleon came to power in France through the coup d’etat.
Napoleon came to power in France through the coup d’etat. This move brought an end to the five member directory in France and the French consulate came in its place. This took place on 9 November 1799.
Napoleon had returned to France and was respected due to his victories in the Middle East. A false threat that the Jacobin coup gaining control in Paris was made and the members of the Councils were relocated. Napoleon took charge of the local troops.
Later three members of the Directory were made to resign and the Directory lost quorum. The protests of the two remaining members were suppressed. Military power was then used to suppress further protests and the counsel was formed with Napoleon as the most powerful member in it.
Finally the first French empire came into being.
So that when they would trade for good they would save time and money.