primary division of the sea, which includes the whole mass of water subdivided into neritic and oceanic zones; also pertaining to the open sea (open water)
The correct answer is - Most killer whales congregate in the areas that are near the Arctic/Antarctic Circles.
The killer whales have a very large distribution, and they can be found in all oceans, apart from the Southern Ocean. It is noted though that the population density of the killer whales differs from place to place. The higher concentrations are found around the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, where there's cool rich waters, while in the lower latitudes they are much rarer. The reason for this probably lies in the fact that most of the animals that are considered to be the prime food source of the killer whales are living in this rich cold waters.
Embryo freezing, or cryopreservation, is a process that freezes and stores fertilized eggs for later use. It can help people preserve fertility and have options for pregnancy later in life. If you're considering embryo cryopreservation, talk to your primary care provider, gynecologist or fertility specialist.
they travel directly from the rough endoplasmic reticulum into the trans face of the golgi apparatus
You can either drive home, get a taxi and on the next day get the car or, if possible, go walking.
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!