When the liquid metal that creates the outer core of the earth passes through a magnetic field, it begins to carry the electric current through the liquid. This current makes its own, much stronger magnetic field.
Molecules in food contains chemical energy that cells use to produce MORE CELLS. This energy is gotten from the chemical bond energy in food molecules, which in this way serve as fuel for cells. The particles in food additionally give the atoms that animals need to develop new living matter.
We may apply Fleming's Left Hand Rule of Electromagnetism to determine how a charged particle behaves in a magnetic field. However, because the gamma rays do not have a charge on them, like alpha particles and beta particles do, they are not deflected.
Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves and its is a characteristic of electromagnetic waves that they have no charge.
The answer is;
- The recombination frequency is proportional to the distance between the two genes
- The lower the recombination frequency, the farther apart two genes are on the chromosome
Genes that are close together are more likely to be passed together to offspring during recombination. Geneticist compares the ration between the proposed phenotype offspring and actual phenotype offerings in a population. The higher the recombination frequency (centimorgans," or cM), the closer the genes are linked together, physically.