These base pair relationships are often called Chargaff's rules of DNA base pairing, named after the Columbia University scientists who observed that there are equal molar concentration of A & T, as well as G & C in most DNA molecules.
-The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.
-Cell is the basic unit and building block of life. It is bound by a cell membrane, and possesses a nucleus which acts as its brain. Arachnoidiscus ehrenbergi is an example of diatoms which are unicellular, therefore it is a cell.
We may apply Fleming's Left Hand Rule of Electromagnetism to determine how a charged particle behaves in a magnetic field. However, because the gamma rays do not have a charge on them, like alpha particles and beta particles do, they are not deflected.
Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves and its is a characteristic of electromagnetic waves that they have no charge.
Sanity and Temperature
They both determine the density of ocean water and density influences the circulation.