The climate is changing very quickly and comparison in todays time back then it was changing very slowly thats what i know about that
hope it helps you out good luck
Abiotic factors, such as temperature, water, sunlight amounts, and regional terrain, directly effect biotic factors. Biotic factors are the living components of an ecosystem which include primary producers, consumers, and dexomposers.
Abiotic factors can effect organisms in many ways. Hey can effect primary producers negatively if there is too little sun, water, or nutrients in the soil. However, if there is too much of any one of these, they can still be negatively effected. With primary producers, it’s all about balance.
while consumers do not directly require the above conditions, they do rely on the plants and animals that feed on said plants to survive. If the plants do not have correct nutrients, they will not either. As far as terrain goes, they adapt to better cope with the environment. If they live in an aquatic enviromment for example, they acquire ways to more efficiently move through the water to look for food.
Decomposers rely on the remains of dead plants and animals in order to survive. They feed off of dead matter and the waste gets deposited into the soil. This in turn helps to give the soil its nutrients, and so the cycle continues.
Everything in nature is reliant on each other. This delicate balancing act is both beautiful and so very fragile. If one organism is removed, the entire ecosystem could suffer. This is why it is so critical to protect the environment we share with every other living creature on this earth.
The target cells of FSH are the Sertoli cells of the testes and the granulosa cells of the ovary.
The plants remaining would be the only plants then will come as the animals die because they cant eat plants because all the plants are gone then will come us which we will die because there aren't any animals to thrive on