The root and shoot systems facilitate the ability to absorb, CO2, light, water, and minerals. The root system consists of the roots, and the shoot system consists of the stems and leaves. Angiosperms and vascular plants rely on these two systems. Roots are nonphotosynthetic and starve unless photosynthesates are absorbed through the shoot system. The shoot system depends on the roots to absorb nutrients.
Organisms on a island are more similar to those on a nearby land mass than to those in similar climates further away.
An enormous rift in one of Antarctica’s largest ice shelves grew
dramatically over the past month, and a chunk nearly the size of
Delaware could break away as soon as later this winter, British
scientists reported this week.
this happens, it could accelerate a further breakup of the ice shelf,
essentially removing a massive cork of ice that keeps some of
Antarctica’s glaciers from flowing into the ocean.
1. The United States granted independence to Philippines in the year 1946, when the island liberated from the occupation of Japanese during the time of world war 11.
The independence was being established by the Treaty Mania. After Spanish-American war, the United States then acquired by Philippines in the time of 1898.
Before, Philippines it was colonized by Spain and then later by United States.
2. Unlike France, Russia and Britain the United States wanted to keep trade in China open.
3. When Philippines rebelled against United States rule, then the United States found itself using same tactics which were used by Spanish in Cuba.
Filipinos used Guerrilla warfare to undermine United States powers. It is through the military action which United States showed dominance over the Philippines.
has tremendous biodiversity and high rates of endemic species: of more than 200,000 known species found on Madagascar, more than 80 percent exist nowhere else. Unique to the island are over 100 kinds of lemurs, over 300 species of frogs, and 33 species of tenrecs, miniature hedgehog-like animals. However, it is one of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet.