by relating to them so it makes it easy for readers to understand them
It's D your choice as commas, split an explanation while the conjunction 'but' links two sentences. No need to separate them by using a semicolon.
The texts show that despite the intolerance among Protestants and Catholics in Belfast, violence among them has diminished. This situation occurred through the Belfast Agreement and the political organization between Protestant and Catholic trade unionists.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- Ireland was a bit of strong violence and religious intolerance.
- This is because Protestant communities and Catholic communities had a strong intolerance and generated extremely violent conflicts.
- This violence caused very serious social problems, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.
For this reason, the Irish government decided to create a new political reorganization between Protestant and Catholic trade unionists, through the elaboration of the Belfast Agreement.
You can find more information about religious conflicts at:
It’s very nice maybe try coloring more fully