G-banding or Giemsa banding is a technique used to study the chromosomes by staining then at condensed stage. The visible karyotype can be used by this technique. The genetic diseases can be easily identified by this G banding technique.
The base composition of the genes (nucleotide) are stained by the dye known as Giemsa stain. The nitrogenous base adenine and thymine of the heterochromatic region of chromosome stained darkly in this technique. The darkly stained area is generally gene poor area.
Examples of Beneficial Mutation. Mutation, a change in the sequence of genes, is divided into various types such as beneficial, harmful, and neutral, based on their effects. ... Germ-line mutation occurs in the germ cells, and is inherited by the offspring via the reproduction cells.
Species could compete for water, food, land, etc.
How diseases happens to spread in communities is the direct contact of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can happen when an individual with bacterium or virus touches, kisses, or coughs on someone who isn’t infected.