The printing press helped promote European exploration in the fifteenth century. The printing press allowed for information to be communicated faster and to reach more people. As a result of the printing press, people learned about the explorations that took place.
They are expanding there knowledge and gaining power by doing that.
Its a normal dinosaur nugget. True name is the Ankylosaurus.
George McDuffie is a South Carolina governor on 1834 to 1836. On his 1835 speech regarding slavery and explained why slavery must not be ruled out in two points: (1) his racial argument is that African-Americans are born to be slaves because of their physical attributes which was evidently shown with their skins. He said that it is useless to gain power if you have an inferior skin; and (2) his religious argument is that God decided to make African-American slaves when he created them and that there is nothing they can do about it.
Explanation: President Johnson was opposed to the Radica Republicans because he strongly disagreed with him on the status that African American hould have in American society. Radical Republicans were in favor of complete equality but Johnson was on a different stance.