The different characteristics of democracy are related to the types of democracy that currently exist.
These types and their characteristics are:
Direct democracy: This democracy allows all citizens of a region to participate directly in the establishment of policies. This type of democracy was exercised in Athens and allowed any citizen (women and slaves not to be considered) to be able to present a bill, in addition to voting on the bills presented. Not only that, citizens could also participate directly in the region's legislative and executive power.
Representative democracy: It is the type of democracy used in republican and parliamentary countries. it is the most common type today and allows citizens to participate in the formation of policies indirectly, through the choice of their representatives, through the election of those who form the legislative and executive power.
Participatory democracy: It can be considered a semi-direct democracy. This is because it allows citizens to vote for their representatives, but it also allows citizens to participate directly in their country's governmental decisions.
The sun
Our Sun is known to be of an average sized star.smaller stars and larger stars are known to exist and their sizes are up to 100 times larger in size. The sun found in the center of our solar system and it is very bright known to be a hot ball of hydrogen and helium. Stars are simply said to be big heavenly bodies that contains hydrogen and helium just like the sun and it gives light and heat due to the nuclear forges that is in its cores. Studies has shown that about 20% of stars are like the Sun while about 40-to-80 billion stars that looks like the Sun exist in our galaxy.
Irreversibility refers to the preoperational child's tendency to "believe that what has been done cannot be undone".
Irreversibility is a phase in early child advancement in which a kid erroneously trusts that activities can't be turned around or fixed. For instance, if a three-year-old kid sees somebody straighten a ball of play dough, he won't comprehend that the batter can without much of a stretch be changed into a ball. Kids regularly develop past this phase by age seven.
Answer: Integrity versus Despair
Explanation: Integrity versus despair stage if psychosocial development is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson's stage theory of psychosocial development. It begins at about 65 years of age nd ends at death. It is during this time that we contemplation of ones accomplishments starts. And one can develop integrity if he/she see themselves as leading a successful life. Whereas despair sets in if one feels that their accomplishments were not enough and that they don't have as much success as they would have liked. Tracey's Granny is at the Integrity versus despair stage of psychosocial development according to Erik Erikson.