The correct answer is C - $2,641.00.
Answer: Varies directly with nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The Transactions Demand for money refers to money that is kept by individuals, companies and even the Government to be able to purchase goods and services.
It varies directly with Nominal GDP because Nominal GDP includes inflation.
If Nominal GDP were to rise for instance, it would mean that Inflation has risen as well which means that people would need more money to be able to buy the now more expensive goods and services. This is an increase in Transactions Demand for money.
The reverse holds true signifying indeed that Transactions Demand for money varies with Nominal GDP.
Ease of entering
The main difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition is that firms sell a similar product in perfect competition. In monopolistic competition, firms sell differentiated products.
In both market structures, their many seller and buyers. There is the ease of entry and exit for suppliers. In both markets, there are no dominant suppliers.
<u>Answer</u>: Certain brand names, such as Kleenex or Xerox, have become generic name.
Generic name is the term used to refer a product with its brand name rather than the product itself. Kleenex and Xerox are the brand names of the products. Xerox is photocopying product and Kleenex is the brand name for wet wipes. People commonly use the word Kleenex instead of tissues or wet wipes.
This process can be called as genericization and companies loose their trademarks due to these usage of names. These generic names have wide spread popularity.
Components of creation that can be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as factor elements of creation.
Elements of creation that can't be differed with yield delivered are alluded to as fixed elements of creation.
In given case, stove and laborers are utilized in pizza creation.
It has been given that in short-run, number of stoves can't be changed however number of laborers can be changed.
Along these lines,
In short-run, these laborers are variable information sources, and the stoves are fixed data sources.
Number of Workers: 0
Output (Pizzas): 0
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 0
Number of Workers: 1
Output (Pizzas): 70
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 70
Number of Workers: 2
Output (Pizzas): 120
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 50
Number of Workers: 3
Output (Pizzas): 160
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 40
Number of Workers: 4
Output (Pizzas): 190
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 30
Number of Workers: 5
Output (Pizzas): 200
Marginal Product of Labor (Pizzas): 10