folk culture is more likely to vary from place to place at a given time, whereas popular culture is more likely to vary from time to time at a given place. ... Folk customs often have anonymous hearths, originating from anonymous sources, at unknown dates, through unidentified originators.
Because, a natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event will have a negative effect on humans.
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Freeeze-thaw weathering
Freeze- thaw weathering involves the breakdown of rock particles into smaller fragments through continuous fluctuations in the temperature of the water bodies. This form of weathering is common along coastlines. The water enters the rocks and then freezes when there is a decrease in temperature. The freezing expands the rock particles and aids frictions between the rock parts. This helps in the breakdown of the rocks to smaller particles.
It involves temperatures fluctuating around 0°C and is the dominant mechanical weathering process on coastlines