1st Blank - John Calvin
2nd Blank - Switzerland
3rd Blank - A belief in predestination
4th Blank - theocracy
Calvinism was created during the sixteenth century in France, by the religious of French origin John Calvin, based on the teachings of Ulrich Zwingli.
Juan Calvino published an edition of De Clementia treaty and is also thought that he was the author of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland.
The main beliefs of Calvinism include the belief in the absolute sovereignty of God and the doctrine of justification only through faith. It teaches us that salvation can be obtained by grace and not by good works, and for this, it is necessary to believe or trust in Jesus and see Christ as the only and sufficient Savior.
The mailman is different depending on which country you live in but in USA it is 18 <span />
<span>The most important feature of Hebrew poetry is parallelism. </span>
The Allies were powerful, but it is arguable that at the beginning of the war their military technology could not compete with Germany and Japan. This is why Germany and Japan were able to invade so many countries. Towards the end of the World War II, the Allies began to get the upper hand because they had access to resources that the Axis didn't.
El carácter montañoso de gran parte del territorio colombiano, junto con las variaciones climáticas asistentes de las diferentes zonas verticales, permite la producción de una gama inusualmente amplia de cultivos tropicales y de zonas templadas, desde plátanos y caña de azúcar hasta trigo, cebada y papas.Las técnicas agrícolas modernas se emplean principalmente en aquellas áreas donde son adaptables a la topografía.Los fertilizantes químicos son ampliamente utilizados, y grandes extensiones de tierras más planas se han colocado bajo riego.Muchos agricultores con pequeñas explotaciones, especialmente en las montañas, sin embargo se aferran a los métodos tradicionales de cultivo.
Básicamente realmente ayuda a Colombia con la alimentación y la agricultura y hace que el PIB de la economía colombiana auge