A Unitary System is a a state or country governed by only one (single) power. It can be a central government usually supreme or administrative. <span />
1). Legend
2). Latitude
3). Relative Location
4). Compass Rose
5). Absolute Location
6). Longitude
7). Prime Meridian
8). Equator
None I think the best trend is facing world with your own eyes not through everybody else's. that is my own opinion
Foot-in-the-door technique: The foot-in-the-door technique is also referred to as FITD. This technique is defined as an individual making or posing a small request formerly to be able to ask for the bigger request from another person later on.
Example: In the question above, as Jennifer is making a small request for a ride to a nearby store and later on she asked for a ride to the attorney's office.
In other words, this is one of the compliance strategy which is directed towards getting an individual to agree for a big request by having the individual agree to a small request first.