Eight hours is all I have to say
Beginning with the battle of Orleans, Joan of Arc entered the Burgundian territory disguised as a male. She then met the future King Charles and made a good impression by him. She was said to be the inspiration of a collapsing France, so the court provided her with troops and support. She revived the lost hope of France, winning battles one after another. Joan carried her banner in battle and is said to have never killed anyone. However in the year 1430, she was later captured at Compiegne by Lionel de Wandomme. She was imprisoned at Beaurevoir castle and was later transferred to a keep Rouen. Joan was trialed by pro-Anglo clerics and was declared as heretic and a witch. She was executed by burning in the same year 1430.
It would be that they provide ritual obligations that need to be followed.
1. I choose the Emancipation proclamation.
The basis for a democratic country is the guarantee of human rights for all of its citizens and allowing all citizens the right to participate in the government.
Freeing other humans from slavery indicates his will to truly bring equality for all people int he nations, because he knew that slavery robbed the very essence of human rights from the people together with their dignity.
2. I compared it with Habeas Corpus
Habeas Corpus allow prisoners to report unlawful treatment when they're in their sentence. Indeed this represent Lincoln' willingness to preserve human rights, but the impact is nowhere near the Emancipation of Slavery that affect millions of human beings.
3. I belive Barrack Obama would be a good example.
Despite his blunder in adressing several economic issues in united states, General population believe that Obama always tried his best in perserving human rights and democracy. (could be seen by programs such as HAPA that give the right for children that born in united states by non-citizzens the right to be a legal citizen)