After the Chaldeans defeated the Hebrew Kingdom, they made Jews their slaves and took them to Babylon. The king of the Chaldeans who is Nebuchadnezzar exiled only the important people of Jerusalem. The other people were allowed to stay. Around 10,000 Jews were coerced to move to Babylon.
What makes one way of framing the world better than the other is the presence of pure and true knowledge.
The allegory of the cave and the conceptions of the soul were metaphors created by Plato to explain human existence in the real world and the need for true and complete knowledge. In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato shows how lack of knowledge can deceive us and allow us to live in a situation of mental imprisonment, where we are trapped in incorrect ideas and false images that present the world in a completely incorrect and misleading way. The human being is only free when he leaves the cave and has access to real knowledge, thus being able to engage with true information. This concept can be associated with the concept of conception of the soul where Plato informs that the human mind is responsible for the rational side that manages wisdom and prudence, which are essential elements for human life. The rational side of the soul is stimulated by true knowledge and this is what makes the human being able to frame the world in the best possible way and in a way superior to those who do not have the knowledge.
Don’t trust the link it can sometimes lead to bad things
A. True yes San Diego is a megalopolis