Match the researchers with their discoveries. Demonstrated the phenomenon of transformation, but did not identify the transformi
ng principle. Answer 1 Identified DNA as the genetic material in bacteriophages. Answer 2 Determined the structure of DNA. Answer 3 First to isolate DNA. Answer 4 Demonstrated that changes in DNA and protein were colinear. Answer 5 Identified DNA as the transforming principle. Answer 6 Identified that DNA for yeast consisted of an equal amount of purines and pyrimidines.
Answer:1.Oswald Avery. C.M.Maclead, and M.McCarty in 1944. 2.D.Watson and Francis H.C.Crick 3.Friedrich Miescher 4.Charles Yanofsky 5.Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Macclyn McCarty 6.Erwin Chargaff.