in the olden days there was less of a concern on issues that are major today such as kidnapping so kids could walk free for the most part. also the economy was great and horrble
7 is C and 8 is D don't call yourself that because you are not.
well first it is an idea...someone thinks of it up and decides they want to make a a bill is thought up.
It's then proposed...a Representative talks to other Representatives to gather support for it.
Once it's proposed it's sent to a committee, to be reviewed, researched and's then sent to the House floor.
After that, the bill gets debated...and it gets voted on.
After that, if the bill passes the House of Representatives, it is then sent to the Senate. It's done with the House. <span />
D the treaty mandated punitive war reparations from Germany
She passed away at 63. I hope this answers your question, if you were wondering about when it was painted it was in the 1503, its 2017 now. I believe the painting would be NEARLY 514 years old.