Answer:I think 3
One day, after Moses had reached adulthood, he killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. Moses, in order to escape the Pharaoh's death penalty, fled to Midian (a desert country south of Judah), where he married
They wanted to gain power over their neighbors and also to oust American and European influences from the region. Early in 1941, the western powers were beginning to pay attention to the situation. America sent troops to the Philippines.
to drive out English colonists in South America
The following three principal provisions were ordained in the document: (1) a division of the Northwest Territory into "not less than three nor more than five States"; (2) a three-stage method for admitting a new state to the Union—with a congressionally appointed governor, secretary, and three judges to rule in the first phase; an elected assembly and one nonvoting delegate to Congress to be elected in the second phase, when the population of the territory reached "five thousand free male inhabitants of full age"; and a state constitution to be drafted and membership to the Union to be requested in the third phase when the population reached 60,000; and (3) a bill of rights protecting religious freedom, the right to a writ of habeas corpus, the benefit of trial by jury, and other individual rights. In addition the ordinance encouraged education and forbade slavery.
Hajj<span> is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. It is the journey that every adult Muslim must undertake at least one time in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able</span>