There is supposed to be some text in this but there is no text in what you have written
Answer: Add a subject
With regards to the group of words given "Went for a walk and saw the old candy shop", to make the sentence complete, a subject needs to be added.
By adding the subject will make the sentence complete. For example, adding a subject such as Henry will make the sentence "Henry went for a walk and saw the old candy shop". This then makes the sentence complete.
Today the world is change in every second. As a result of this one, the peoples are very busy and rough from their feelings.The young generation is very busy in now a days. All the child hand has the mobile phone.
I really sorry. This is the bigging of your essey. so I think you can write your essey help with this one. Try always write esseys on your self..
Answer: Incorrect
It should be, Mater familiae cenam parāre volebat.