As the ashes of the Alamo continued to smolder, Sam Houston feared another disaster could befall his Texas Army. Mexican forces under General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna continued to sweep across Texas toward Fort Defiance, the presidio in Goliad that had been seized by the rebels in October 1835 at the onset of the war for independence. Houston ordered Colonel James W. Fannin to evacuate his 400-man force from Goliad and retreat to Victoria, a town 30 miles to the east behind the natural defense of the Guadalupe River. “The immediate advance of the enemy may be confidently expected,” Houston warned Fannin. “Prompt movements are therefore highly important.”
The grew in Absolute power and independence from the nobility.
The lightbulb affected peoples lives most because people were able to stay up past sundown, and work longer hours.
The quote "Palestine is the cement that holds the Arab world together, or it is the explosive that blows it apart."means that Palestine has the potential to make the Arab world peaceful and collaborate with each other, but that it also can incite the Arab world to violence.
So the following statement is true:
If Palestinian peace is not achieved, all Middle East nations will descend into chaos and violence. - it corresponds to the second part of my sentence
and this statement is not implied: All the nations of the Middle East look to Palestine and its leaders for guidance
what are your answer choices? eiubeomrwshp