I'm pretty sure it was for exploration purposes and to claim more land for England and the crown.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech and the right to a fair trial, as well as reserving rights to the people and the states.
As a distinct historical document, drafted separately from the seven articles that form the body of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights has its own fascinating story. But ever since the first 10 amendments were ratified in 1791, the Bill of Rights has also been an integral part of the Constitution.
$20 is the x factor which is independent, and the teens demand is the y factor which is dependent.
please vote my answer brainliest. thanks!
The changes in the court includes;
1) Being the second woman to serve in the supreme court
2) Witnessed the retirement of her female judicial colleague in January 2006
3) Being the only woman in the Supreme court from 2006 to 2009
4) Was present during the retirement of Justice Paul Stevens
5) Becoming the leader of the liberal bloc
The changes in the presidency
1) The presidency of President Bill Clinton
2) The assumption of the office as the president and the presidency of President George Walker Bush
3) The assumption of the office as the president and the presidency of President Barack Obama
4) The assumption of the office as the president and the presidency of President Donald Trump before she died on Friday the 18th of September 2020.
This is called the peace of Vassar.
This was the treaty signed on Aug. 1664, published in late September,It was signed as aftermath of the battle of saint Gotthard .This treaty lasted for 20- years. However, it received a set back in 1683,where a full scale war which lead to siege of Vienna occurred.
The name ''Vasvar'' means house, thus peace of Vasvar refers to as Piece house, solely because the vasvar was the office of the Capitulum of Vasvar, who was a legend.Thus it was said that the treaty was signed in the peace house; as a legendary treaty.