The person sleeps 8 hours a day.
There are 365 days in a year and 366 days in a leap year.
A leap year occurs every 4 years.
If we divide 75 by 4, we get 18.75. This number represents how many leap years occurred in 75 years. So, the person experienced approximately 19 leap years.
19 leap years has 6954 days.
The other 56 years, which have 365 days each year, have a total of 20,440 days.
That's a total of 27,394 days.
27,394 × 8 = 219,152 hours
This is approximately 24 years or 9,131 days.
For 356 ticket, each ticket is $80, so all of those tickets cost 356 × 80 = $28,480.
For 275 ticket, each ticket is $60, so all of those tickets cost 275 × 60 = $16,500.
For 369 ticket, each ticket is $45, so all of those tickets cost 369 × 45 = $16,605.
For all of the tickets the box office took in you have to do:
28,480 + 16,500 + 16,605 = 61,585
<u>The answer is $61,585.</u>
By using the volume formula multiple the length, width, and height and you get 53 as your volume.
B: a reflection across the x-axis followed by a translation 4 units right.
Comparing the points to their mapped images compares A to E, B to F, C to G, and D to H. In each point, the y-coordinate switches signs and the x-coordinate is subtracted by 4.
Reflections across the x-axis will switch the sign of the y-coordinate, and reflections across the y-axis will switch the sign of the x-coordinate. Since the y-coordinates are the ones whose sign changed, the points must have been reflected across the x-axis.
Translations to the left will cause the x-coordinate to increase, and translations to the right will case the x-coordinate to decrease. Since the x-coordinate of every point was subtracted, this means that the translation must have been to the right.
Factor a 3y² out.