Lunar Tides: the moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is strongest at this time, because it is closest, causing especially high and low tides.
Solar Tides: the sun's gravitational pull on the Earth is strongest at this time, causing especially high and low tides (although it's not as powerful as lunar tides).
Spring Tides: named for when the tides "spring" forward during New and Full Moon's, because of how strong/weak the moon's gravitational pull is.
Neap Tides: the tides are especially mediocre at this time, because the sun and moon are at a right angle and pulling in opposite directions.
Spring and Neap Tides occur twice every moon cycle, which lasts 28 days, so every two weeks.
Part A:
<span>If early conditions of primeval earth had ammonia, methane, hydrogen in its atmosphere, then it is possible that amino acids such as glycine, α-alanine, and β-alanine may have been spontaneously formed from chemical reactions spurred by energy from lightning.</span>
<span>Their hypothesis was that the early conditions of primeval earth favored the spontaneous formation of organic molecules, from inorganic precursors, that may have been the origin of life. This theory is called abiogenesis. </span>
Part B:
<span>Miller Urey put methane, ammonia, hydrogen gases in a glass flask and a pool of water at the bottom of the glass flask. The flask was heated moderately to simulate the hot conditions then. Sparks were also occasionally induced in the flask to mimic lighting. The flask was then cooled slowly to simulate cooling of earth over time.After one day, they found the presence of some amino acids (glycine, α-alanine and β-alanine) was discovered in the water in the flask</span>
Latent prints are formed when the body’s natural oils and sweat on the skin are deposited onto another surface. For example if you put your thumb on your glass you will see that the oils will put your fingerprint there