...Sky-Dive... creates new social and economic opportunities, awareness, improve the quality of rural life, and promote sustainable development of communities.
they have to know what the person is being arrested for
Market interest rate is also known as nominal interest rate. The nominal interest rate is sum of real interest rate and inflation rate. Fed try to control the monetary condition and real interest rates by manipulating money supply. These interest rates also affect the demand of money in market.
Part (a)
When commission of brokers decreases then buying and selling of stocks becomes easier and cheaper and people would transact in more and more stocks which will decrease the demand of money as liquidity of stock has increased.
Part (b)
When grocery store starts accepting credit cards then people would need to carry less cash and demand of money will decrease.
Part (c)
As financial investors are now worried about riskiness of stocks so they will decrease their investment in stocks and prefer holding more money so demand of money will increase.
To evaluate the effectiveness of controls over all relevant financial statement disclosures in the financial statements.
In Accounting, an internal control is a mechanism, procedure, rule or policy designed by management to secure assets, promote efficiency, ensure accountability and prevent fraudulent behavior in an organization.
The main goal of auditing internal control is to evaluate the effectiveness of controls over all relevant financial statement disclosures in the financial statements.