What are eponyms and how can you use them to find codes in the Alphabetic Index of the CPT? Provide an example
They are the disease, anatomical structure, clinical signs, syndromes, surgeries or technique whose name comes from that of the person who discovered or described it for the first time.
The CPT has a section of eponimos whereby the search is limited to finding the object of interest in that section.
An example of an eponym is Addsion keloid
Which method of finding a main term in the Alphabetic Index do you find easiest to use? Explain why.
The keyword because it allows you to find all the information related to the topic of interest
Random sampling means that members of a 'population' have equal chances of being selected. To carry out this type of sampling, you will need to use a table of random numbers.
its the one where she reflects
Our society has a set of ideas about gender roles in society and how we Every society, ethnic group, and culture has gender role expectations, but they can be very different from group to group. How do gender stereotypes affect people? no matter their gender or gender identity — feel equal and valued as people.
Yes I have took the CASAC exam.