Hi, the body is in 7th grade. What are your pronouns? Are you a little? -Apple
"So sending him off to middle school like a lamb to the slaughter.
It’s important to know that failure is not a bad thing, it’s simply the breaking down of your iron. You craft your life.
Scope of acceptable behavior within an organization, its lines of authority and accountability.
"For then each tyrant, by the hand of fate,
And standing troops, the bane of every state,
Forever spurn'd, shall be remov'd as far
As bright Hesperus from the polar star"
The four verses selected above represent how America was oppressed and exploited by the British. In these verses, the poem uses the term "tyranny" to represent the way America was governed before it became independent. The poet also shows how this type of positioning will no longer be tolerated, but rather rejected and fought, so that Americans never have to face tyranny again.